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AutoFun: An Automated Model-based Functional Testing Tool., , and . SAST, page 14:1-14:10. ACM, (2016)Performance testing modeling: an empirical evaluation of DSL and UML-based approaches., , and . SAC, page 1660-1665. ACM, (2016)PlugSPL: An Automated Environment for Supporting Plugin-based Software Product Lines., , , , , and . SEKE, page 647-650. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2012)Towards a domain-specific modeling language for self-adaptive systems conceptual modeling., , , , and . SBES, page 208-213. ACM, (2018)Canopus: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Performance Testing., , and . ICST, page 157-167. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Generating Performance Test Scripts and Scenarios Based on Abstract Intermediate Models., , , , , and . SEKE, page 112-117. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2012)Generation of Scripts for Performance Testing Based on UML Models., , , , , and . SEKE, page 258-263. Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, (2011)Evaluating capture and replay and model-based performance testing tools: an empirical comparison., , , , , and . ESEM, page 9:1-9:8. ACM, (2014)Empirical Evaluation of Formal Method for Requirements Specification in Agile Approaches., , , , , and . SBSI, page 53:1-53:8. ACM, (2018)Problem-Based Learning to Align Theory and Practice in Software Testing Teaching., , , and . SBES, page 328-337. ACM, (2017)