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Hybrid-Range Partitioning Strategy: A New Declustering Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines., and . VLDB, page 481-492. Morgan Kaufmann, (1990)Rejig: A Scalable Online Algorithm for Cache Server Configuration Changes., , and . SoCC, page 513. ACM, (2018)A Comparison of Alternative Continuous Display Techniques with Heterogeneous Multi-Zone Disks., and . CIKM, page 442-449. ACM, (1999)An evaluation of alternative continuous media replication techniques in wireless peer-to-peer networks., and . MobiDE, page 77-84. ACM, (2003)Domical Cooperative Caching: A Novel Caching Technique for Streaming Media in Wireless Home Networks., and . SEDE, page 274-279. ISCA, (2008)Stream-based Versus Structured Video Objects: Issues, Solutions, and Challenges.. Multimedia Database System: Issues and Research Direction, Springer, (1996)Nova: Diffused Database Processing Using Clouds of Components Vision Paper., , and . BDAS, volume 1018 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 3-14. Springer, (2019)Retrieval of Composite Multimedia Objects., , and . VLDB, page 287-298. Morgan Kaufmann, (1995)Comparison of replication strategies for content availability in C2P2 networks., , and . Mobile Data Management, page 107-115. ACM, (2005)Letter from the Special Issue Editor.. IEEE Data Eng. Bull., 17 (3): 2 (1994)