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NEXCESS: Nagoya university extension courses for embedded software specialists., , , , , , , и . SIGBED Review, 2 (4): 20-24 (2005)A Synchronization Flow Analysis of Concurrent Objects in AIBO OPEN-R Programs Based on Communicating Processes., , и . APSEC, стр. 366-373. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)MEMO-PEN: a new input device., , , и . CHI 95 Conference Companion, стр. 256-257. ACM, (1995)A Multi-Microprocessor System for Concurrent LISP., , , и . ICPP, стр. 135-143. IEEE Computer Society, (1983)Grouping Objects for Execution Trace Analysis Based on Design Patterns., , , и . APSEC (2), стр. 25-30. IEEE Computer Society, (2013)Execution Trace Abstraction Based on Meta Patterns Usage., , и . WCRE, стр. 167-176. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)A Programming Environment Supporting Reuse of Object-Oriented Software., , и . ICSE, стр. 265-273. IEEE Computer Society, (1988)A Session Type System with Subject Reduction., , и . IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst., 95-D (8): 2053-2064 (2012)Name-passing style GUI programming in the pi-calculus-based language Nepi., , , , , и . ARTS, том 139 из Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 145-168. Elsevier, (2004)CARD: a software requirements definition environment., и . RE, стр. 90-93. IEEE Computer Society, (1993)