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A Generic Algorithm Template for Divide-and-Conquer in Multicore Systems., and . HPCC, page 79-88. IEEE, (2010)Programming the FlexRAM parallel intelligent memory system., , , , and . PPoPP, page 49-60. ACM, (2003)Modeling Set Associative Caches Behavior for Irregular Computations., , and . SIGMETRICS, page 192-201. ACM, (1998)A Portable High-Productivity Approach to Program Heterogeneous Systems., and . IPDPS Workshops, page 163-173. IEEE Computer Society, (2012)Hierarchically tiled arrays for parallelism and locality., , , , , , , and . IPDPS, IEEE, (2006)Towards a High Level Approach for the Programming of Heterogeneous Clusters., , , and . ICPP Workshops, page 106-114. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)OCLoptimizer: An Iterative Optimization Tool for OpenCL., , and . ICCS, volume 18 of Procedia Computer Science, page 1322-1331. Elsevier, (2013)The Hierarchically Tiled Arrays programming approach., , , , , , and . LCR, page 10:1-10:12. ACM, (2004)Probing the Efficacy of Hardware-Aware Weight Pruning to Optimize the SpMM Routine on Ampere GPUs., , and . PACT, page 135-147. ACM, (2022)Improving OpenCL Programmability with the Heterogeneous Programming Library., , , and . ICCS, volume 51 of Procedia Computer Science, page 110-119. Elsevier, (2015)