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Time-varying formation control for multi-agent systems applied to n-trailer configuration., , and . CCE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2011)A linear algebraic framework for dynamic feedback linearization., , and . IEEE Trans. Autom. Control., 40 (1): 127-132 (1995)Trajectory Tracking for a Commercial Quadrotor., and . CoDIT, page 1616-1621. IEEE, (2019)Discrete-time stabilization of a PVTOL without roll angle and velocities measurement., and . CDC, page 1521-1526. IEEE, (2006)Discrete-time sliding mode path-tracking control for a wheeled mobile robot., , and . CDC, page 3052-3057. IEEE, (2006)A geometric solution to the dynamic disturbance decoupling for discrete-time nonlinear systems., and . Kybernetika, 40 (2): 197-206 (2004)Experimental comparison between discrete- and continuous-time controllers for multi-agent robots systems., , and . CCE, page 1-6. IEEE, (2012)Emulation of n-trailer Systems through Differentially Driven Multi-Agent Systems: Continuous- and Discrete- Time Approaches., , , and . Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75 (1): 129-146 (2014)Equivalence of discrete-time nonlinear systems to feedforward form., and . ECC, page 1135-1140. IEEE, (2003)Design of a virtual mechanism for trajectory tracking of convoys of mobile robots., and . CCE, page 364-368. IEEE, (2013)