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Reactive Web Agents with Open Constraint Programming.

, , , and . ISADS, page 251-254. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)

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Probase: a probabilistic taxonomy for text understanding., , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 481-492. ACM, (2012)Concept-Based Web Search., , , and . ER, volume 7532 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 449-462. Springer, (2012)From dirt to shovels: fully automatic tool generation from ad hoc data., , , and . POPL, page 421-434. ACM, (2008)Scalable Distributed Depth-First Search with Greedy Work Stealing., , , and . ICTAI, page 98-103. IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Understanding Tables on the Web., , , and . ER, volume 7532 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 141-155. Springer, (2012)Language support for processing distributed ad hoc data., , , , , , and . PPDP, page 243-254. ACM, (2009)Ad Hoc Data and the Token Ambiguity Problem., , , and . PADL, volume 5418 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 91-106. Springer, (2009)A system for extracting top-K lists from the web., , and . KDD, page 1560-1563. ACM, (2012)Generalized Committed Choice., , and . COORDINATION, volume 4467 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 191-210. Springer, (2007)Coordination of Many Agents., , and . ICLP, volume 3668 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 98-112. Springer, (2005)