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A raw data simulator for cross-track InSAR based on land clutter model., , и . IGARSS, стр. 2711-2714. IEEE, (2005)Supervised sparse neighbourhood preserving embedding., , , , и . IET Image Processing, 11 (3): 190-199 (2017)Attention-Fused Deep Relevancy Matching Network for Clickbait Detection., , , , , , , и . IEEE Trans. Comput. Soc. Syst., 10 (6): 3120-3131 (декабря 2023)Making resource adaptive to federated learning with COTS mobile devices., , , , и . Peer-to-Peer Netw. Appl., 15 (2): 1214-1231 (2022)A supervised neighborhood preserving embedding for face recognition., , , и . IJCNN, стр. 278-284. IEEE, (2014)Hierarchical Context Modeling Network for Landmark Recognition., , , , и . ICDM, стр. 930-937. IEEE, (2023)基于类别信息的邻域保持嵌入算法 (Label Information-based Neighborhood Preserving Embedding)., , , и . 计算机科学, 42 (5): 94-97 (2015)The Compositional Markovian Reflectance Model of Halftone Prints on Diffusing Substrate., , и . CGIV/MCS, стр. 197-201. IS&T - The Society for Imaging Science and Technology, (2010)Exponential stability of globally projected dynamic systems.. IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 14 (2): 426-431 (2003)A Neural Network for Solving Nonlinear Programming Problems., , , и . Neural Comput. Appl., 11 (2): 103-111 (2002)