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A Tool to Schedule Parallel Applications on Multiprocessors: The NANOS CPU MANAGER., , , , , , and . JSSPP, volume 1911 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 87-112. Springer, (2000)Supporting MapReduce on large-scale asymmetric multi-core clusters., , , and . ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev., 43 (2): 25-34 (2009)Improving Java Server Performance with Interruptlets., , , , and . International Conference on Computational Science (1), volume 2073 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 223-232. Springer, (2001)Leveraging Transparent Data Distribution in OpenMP via User-Level Dynamic Page Migration., , , , and . ISHPC, volume 1940 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 415-427. Springer, (2000)Decentralised Biomedical Signal Classification using Early Exits., , , , , and . NEWCAS, page 1-2. IEEE, (2023)Incremental Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks., , , and . AutoML@PKDD/ECML, volume 1998 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 41-48., (2017)DStress: Automatic Synthesis of DRAM Reliability Stress Viruses using Genetic Algorithms., , and . MICRO, page 298-312. IEEE, (2020)On the potential of significance-driven execution for energy-aware HPC., , , , and . Comput. Sci. Res. Dev., 30 (2): 197-206 (2015)VEBO: a vertex- and edge-balanced ordering heuristic to load balance parallel graph processing., , and . PPoPP, page 391-392. ACM, (2019)Task-based parallel H.264 video encoding for explicit communication architectures., , , and . ICSAMOS, page 217-224. IEEE, (2011)