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Interpretation problems with changes in indices based on categorizations. Economics Letters, 72 (3): 375--379 (September 2001)A three-factor search model. Economics Letters, 64 (3): 319--324 (September 1999)Economic choices and status: measuring preferences for income rank, and . Oxford Economic Papers, 65 (1): 47--73 (2013)Money Does Matter! Evidence from Increasing Real Income and Life Satisfaction in East Germany Following Reunification, , and . American Economic Review, 94 (3): 730--740 (2004)Improving the peer review process: a proposed market system., and . Scientometrics, 119 (2): 1285-1288 (2019)The value of reunification in Germany, , and . Discussion paper series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit IZA, Bonn, (2002)The non-parametric identification of lagged duration dependence. Economics Letters, 75 (3): 289--292 (May 2002)A model of fashions and status. Economic Modelling, 15 (4): 501--517 (Oct 1, 1998)