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The slow reflection hierarchy (abstract). The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 23 (2): 240-241 (2017)Goodstein’s theorem meets reverse mathematics (abstract), , , and . Oberwolfach Report, (2020)A categorical construction of Bachmann-Howard fixed points. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 51 (5): 801-814 (2019)The uniform Kruskal theorem: between finite combinatorics and strong set existence, and . Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, (2023)Weak well orders and Fraïssé's conjecture, and . The Journal of Symbolic Logic,, (to appear)The logical strength of minimal bad arrays, , and . Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, (2024)What is effective transfinite recursion in reverse mathematics?. Math. Log. Q., 66 (4): 479-483 (2020)Higman's Lemma is Stronger for Better Quasi Orders.. Order, 41 (3): 753-759 (December 2024)On the logical strength of the better quasi order with three elements. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 376 (9): 6709–6727 (2023)Ackermann and Goodstein go functorial, , , and . Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 313 (2): 251-291 (2021)