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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Engaging with open education., und . Int. Sym. Wikis, ACM, (2010)Testing Waters, Sending Clues: Indirect Disclosures of Socially Stigmatized Experiences on Social Media., , und . Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact., 2 (CSCW): 19:1-19:23 (2018)Privacy and Vulnerable Populations., und . Modern Socio-Technical Perspectives on Privacy, (2022)When students speak, who listens?: constructing audience in classroom argumentation., und . ICLS (1), Seite 428-435. International Society of the Learning Sciences / ACM DL, (2010)Review of the last draft requirements of the Euro 7 emissions standard and their impact on light-duty car manufacturers.. MetroAutomotive, Seite 7-12. IEEE, (2023)Tell me about my family: a study of cooperative research on, , und . iConference, Seite 303-310. ACM, (2012)Children as webmakers: designing a web editor for beginners., , , und . IDC, Seite 419-422. ACM, (2013)CHI 2017 Stories Overview., , , , , , , , , und 5 andere Autor(en). CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 14-18. ACM, (2017)Computers for Communication, Not Calculation: Media as a Motivation and Context for Learning., und . HICSS, IEEE Computer Society, (2004)Responding to Sensitive Disclosures on Social Media: A Decision-Making Framework., und . ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact., 25 (6): 31:1-31:29 (2018)