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Beyond promotion and protection: creators, audiences and common ground in user-generated media., и . iConference, стр. 41-47. ACM, (2011)Student explorer: a tool for supporting academic advising at scale., и . L@S, стр. 175-176. ACM, (2014)Collaboration at Scale: How and Why are Instructors Using Collaborative Learning Management System Tools?, , , и . CSCL, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2011)Learning by Tagging: Group Knowledge Formation in a Self-organizing Learning Community., , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2006)Using Handheld PCs and Peer Instruction to Improve Science Teaching and Learning in Higher Education., , , и . ICLS, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2006)Öh god, please don't let me hurt them!": assessing self-regulated learning in medical school education., и . ICLS, стр. 298-299. International Society of the Learning Sciences / ACM DL, (2010)Preparing for the long tail of teaching and learning tools., и . ICLS (1), стр. 758-764. International Society of the Learning Sciences / ACM DL, (2010)Heterogeneity in harmony: diverse practice in a multimedia arts collective., , и . GROUP, стр. 334-335. ACM, (2005)Rapid Software Development through Team Collocation., , , и . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 28 (7): 671-683 (2002)Issues, challenges, and lessons learned when scaling up a learning analytics intervention., , и . LAK, стр. 235-239. ACM, (2013)