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Research on Small Unmanned Four-rotor Control Based on AIC., , , and . ICDMA, page 1011-1014. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Serial batch scheduling on uniform parallel machines to minimize total completion time., and . Inf. Process. Lett., 114 (12): 692-695 (2014)Music genre classification based on MPEG-7 audio features., , and . ICIMCS, page 185-188. ACM, (2010)Low delay rate control for HEVC., , , and . BMSB, page 1-5. IEEE, (2014)Components Based Integrated Management Platform for Flexible Service Deployment in Plant Factory., , and . HCI (22), volume 173 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 524-528. Springer, (2011)Predicting Essential Components of Signal Transduction Networks: A Dynamic Model of Guard Cell Abscisic Acid Signaling, , and . PLoS Biol, 4 (10): e312+ (Sep 12, 2006)Automatic Clinical Image Segmentation Using Pathological Modelling, PCA and SVM., , , and . MLDM, volume 3587 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 314-324. Springer, (2005)Personalized Reconstruction of 3D Face Based on Different Race., , , and . LSMS/ICSEE, volume 6330 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 570-578. Springer, (2010)Study of a varied hysteretic-band current control technology., , and . ICDIP, volume 8334 of SPIE Proceedings, page 83343Y. SPIE, (2012)Joint Network and Channel Decoding for HARQ in Wireless Broadcasting System., , and . VTC Fall, page 1-5. IEEE, (2010)