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Superatomic Boolean algebras: Maximal rigidity.. Set Theory: The Hajnal Conference, том 58 из DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 107-128. DIMACS/AMS, (1999)Applying Set Theory.. Axioms, 10 (4): 329 (2021)Specializing trees and answer to a question of Williams., и . J. Math. Log., 21 (1): 2050023:1-2050023:20 (2021)Atomic saturation of reduced powers.. Math. Log. Q., 67 (1): 18-42 (2021)Reasoning with Time and Chance, и . Inf. Control., 53 (3): 165-198 (июня 1982)The spectrum of independence., и . Arch. Math. Log., 58 (7-8): 877-884 (2019)The nonstationary ideal on $$P_()$$ P κ ( λ ) for $$$$ λ singular., и . Arch. Math. Log., 56 (7-8): 911-934 (2017)Intersection of ultrafilters may have measure zero., и . Arch. Math. Log., 31 (4): 221-226 (1992)Positive results in abstract model theory: a theory of compact logics., и . Ann. Pure Appl. Log., 25 (3): 263-299 (1983)Models with second order properties IV. A general method and eliminating diamonds.. Ann. Pure Appl. Log., 25 (2): 183-212 (1983)