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Explore the Adequate and Concise Information from Communication Signals in Terms of Graphs., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Maximum Fault Tolerant Tile Mining Algorithm Based on Parallel PSO., , , и . ICCT, стр. 1511-1515. IEEE, (2019)Collaborative Partition Caching with Local Popularity., , и . ICCT, стр. 514-518. IEEE, (2020)Android Malicious Application Detection Based on Ontology Technology Integrated with Permissions and System Calls., , , и . IIKI, стр. 481-484. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)Radar Signal Intrapulse Modulation Recognition Based on a Denoising-Guided Disentangled Network., , , , , , , и . Remote. Sens., 14 (5): 1252 (2022)Research on Interface Rate Adaptation Method Based on FPGA., и . ICCT, стр. 1013-1016. IEEE, (2021)A Data Gathering Scheme for WSN/WSAN Based on Partitioning Algorithm and Mobile Sinks., , , , и . HPCC/EUC, стр. 1968-1973. IEEE, (2013)Time Sensitive Network Fault Detection and Location Method Based on Segment Routing., , , и . FSDM, том 320 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 963-968. IOS Press, (2019)Design of Network Slicing System Based on SDN/NFV., , , и . FSDM, том 320 из Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, стр. 969-974. IOS Press, (2019)Novel measurement matrix optimization for source localization based on compressive sensing., , , и . GLOBECOM, стр. 341-345. IEEE, (2014)