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Surviving globalisation, , и . Journal of International Economics, 74 (2): 264--277 (марта 2008)A cross section analysis of intra-industry trade in the U.K., и . European Economic Review, 25 (3): 319--344 (августа 1984)AutoCorres2., , , , , , , , , и 3 other автор(ы). Arch. Formal Proofs, (2024)What Britain pays for voluntary export restraints, и . Thames essays Trade Policy Research Centre, London, (1985)New concepts and measures of the globalisation of production, , и . Economics Letters, 73 (1): 57--63 (октября 2001)Export market exit and performance dynamics: a causality analysis of matched firms, , и . Economics Letters, 80 (2): 181--187 (августа 2003)Relative backwardness, absorptive capacity and knowledge spillovers, , и . Economics Letters, 97 (3): 230--234 (декабря 2007)An introduction to international economics, и . Longman, London u.a., (1979)Exports, growth, and liberalization: An evaluation, и . Journal of Policy Modeling, 16 (2): 165--186 (апреля 1994)On the efficient use of mathematics in economics: results of an attitude survey of British economists. European Economic Review, 34 (7): 1339--1351 (ноября 1990)