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Other publications of authors with the same name

Visual Analysis of Car-hailing Reimbursement Data for Overtime., , , , , , and . EuroVis (Posters), page 21-23. Eurographics Association, (2020)A Visual Analytics Approach to Scheduling Customized Shuttle Buses via Perceiving Passengers' Travel Demands., , , , , and . IEEE VIS (Short Papers), page 76-80. IEEE, (2020)Differential Diagnosis of Azoospermia and Etiologic Classification of Obstructive Azoospermia: Role of Scrotal and Transrectal US., , , , , , , and . Radiology, (June 2010)DeepStyle: Learning User Preferences for Visual Recommendation., , and . SIGIR, page 841-844. ACM, (2017)On state estimation and fusion with elliptical constraints., and . MFI, page 85-90. IEEE, (2017)Debugging is-a structure in networked taxonomies., and . SWAT4LS, page 58-65. ACM, (2011)A Study of Online Function Approximation System Based on BP Neural Network., , , , , and . CyberC, page 147-150. IEEE, (2019)Detection and Classification of Astronomical Targets with Deep Neural Networks in Wide Field Small Aperture Telescopes., , and . CoRR, (2020)An Agent-Oriented Requirement Modeling Method based on GRL and UML., and . CITA, page 314-319. (2005)Message-oriented Middleware: A Review., , , , and . BigCom, page 88-97. IEEE, (2019)