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Analysis of an Asymmetric Polling System with Single Buffers., , and . Performance, page 241-251. North-Holland, (1987)Performance analysis of CSMA/CD networks with a buffered gateway., , and . IEEE Trans. Commun., 38 (9): 1404-1418 (1990)Performance analysis of CSMA/CD-DRC system., , and . Telecommun. Syst., 15 (1-2): 93-112 (2000)Performance Analysis of a Polling System with Single Buffers and Its Application to Interconnected Networks., , and . IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 4 (6): 802-812 (1986)Analysis of Asymmetric Single-Buffer Polling and Priority Systems without Switchover Times., , , and . SIGMETRICS, page 236. ACM, (1989)Mondou: Interface with Text Data Mining for Web Search Engine., and . HICSS (5), page 275-283. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Evaluation of the File Redundancy in Distributed Database Systems., , , and . IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 11 (2): 199-205 (1985)Performance Anlaysis of a CSMA/CD System with Heterogeneous Stations., , and . Computer Performance and Reliability, page 473-488. North-Holland, (1987)Analysis of the Resequencing Buffer in a Homogeneous M/M/2 Queue., , and . Perform. Evaluation, 19 (4): 353-366 (1994)Tree Algorithms for Random Access Channels in Local Area Networks., , , and . ICC, page 620-624. IEEE, (1986)