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Large Scale Parallel and Distributed Data Mining, Ed. M. Zaki and H. Ho, , , and . Springer-Verlag, (2000)PNrule: A New Framework for Learning Classifier Models in Data Mining (A Case-Study in Network Intrusion Detection)., and . SDM, page 1-17. SIAM, (2001)A Scalable Parallel Block Algorithm for Band Cholesky Factorization., , , and . PPSC, page 430-435. SIAM, (1995)Mining Needle in a Haystack: Classifying Rare Classes via Two-phase Rule Induction., , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 91-102. ACM, (2001)ScalParC: A New Scalable and Efficient Parallel Classification Algorithm for Mining Large Datasets., , and . IPPS/SPDP, page 573-579. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Predicting rare classes: can boosting make any weak learner strong?, , and . KDD, page 297-306. ACM, (2002)A High Performance Matrix Manipulation Algorithm for MPPs., , , , and . PARA, volume 1041 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-8. Springer, (1995)On Evaluating Performance of Classifiers for Rare Classes.. ICDM, page 641-644. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Predicting Rare Classes: Comparing Two-Phase Rule Induction to Cost-Sensitive Boosting., , and . PKDD, volume 2431 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 237-249. Springer, (2002)CREDOS: Classification Using Ripple Down Structure (A Case for Rare Classes)., and . SDM, page 321-332. SIAM, (2004)