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Initial Image Selection and its Influence on Super-Resolution Reconstruction., , , and . SiPS, page 86-89. IEEE, (2007)Speech pitch detection in noisy environment using multi-rate adaptive lossless FIR filters., , and . ISCAS (3), page 429-432. IEEE, (2004)Explore and Model Better I-Frames for Video Coding., , , and . IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn., 21 (9): 1242-1254 (2011)McFIS: Better I-frame for video coding., , , and . ISCAS, page 2171-2174. IEEE, (2010)Overview of quality assessment for visual signals and newly emerged trends., , , and . ISCAS, page 1091-1094. IEEE, (2013)Study of subjective and objective quality assessment of retargeted images., , , and . ISCAS, page 2677-2680. IEEE, (2012)McFIS in hierarchical bipredictve pictures-based video coding for referencing the stable area in a scene., , , and . ICIP, page 3521-3524. IEEE, (2011)Learning ECOC Code Matrix for Multiclass Classification with Application to Glaucoma Diagnosis., , , , , , , , and . J. Medical Syst., 40 (4): 78:1-78:10 (2016)On incorporating just-noticeable-distortion profile into motion-compensated prediction for video compression., , , , and . ICIP (3), page 833-836. IEEE, (2003)Low bit rate quality assessment based on perceptual characteristics., , , , , and . ICIP (3), page 189-192. IEEE, (2003)