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Maximum distance between two sets of points in Ed.. Pattern Recognit. Lett., 14 (9): 733-735 (1993)Alertwheel: radial bipartite graph visualization applied to intrusion detection system alerts., , and . IEEE Netw., 26 (6): 12-18 (2012)Perfect identity concealment in UMTS over radio access links., and . WiMob (2), page 72-77. IEEE, (2005)0-7803-9181-0.Support mobile à la tâche: médiation utilisateur - monde réel par l'intermédiaire d'un ordinateur porté., , , and . IHM, volume 133 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 107-114. ACM, (2006)État de l'art des techniques de présentation d'information sur écran d'assistant numérique personnel., and . IHM, volume 133 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 27-34. ACM, (2006)Bioelectric input devices: an example: BIOLINK., and . CHI Posters and Short Talks, page 95-96. ACM, (1992)Empirical Study on Collaborative Writing: What Do Co-authors Do, Use, and Like?, and . Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 13 (1): 63-89 (2004)Kluwe Academic Publishers ISSN 0925-9724.An empirical study on the user's context in mobile videoconferencing devices., , and . IHM, page 79-88. ACM, (2013)An Efficient Approach to Detect TorrentLocker Ransomware in Computer Systems., , and . CANS, volume 10052 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 532-541. (2016)Linear Approximation of Simple Objects., and . STACS, volume 577 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 233-244. Springer, (1992)