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Display blindness: The effect of expectations on attention towards digital signage

, , , , , , and . Pervasive Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2009)

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TwitterSigns: microblogging on the walls., and . ACM Multimedia, page 819-822. ACM, (2010)Display Blindness: The Effect of Expectations on Attention towards Digital Signage., , , , , , and . Pervasive, volume 5538 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-8. Springer, (2009)ReflectiveSigns: Digital Signs That Adapt to Audience Attention., , , and . Pervasive, volume 5538 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 17-24. Springer, (2009)eMir: Digital Signs that react to Audience Emotion., , and . GI Jahrestagung, volume P-154 of LNI, page 3904-3910. GI, (2009)Display blindness: The effect of expectations on attention towards digital signage, , , , , , and . Pervasive Computing, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (2009)