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Gradient Descent Maximizes the Margin of Homogeneous Neural Networks., и . ICLR,, (2020)Understanding Incremental Learning of Gradient Descent: A Fine-grained Analysis of Matrix Sensing., , , , и . ICML, том 202 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 15200-15238. PMLR, (2023)Reconciling Modern Deep Learning with Traditional Optimization Analyses: The Intrinsic Learning Rate., , и . NeurIPS, (2020)Gradient Descent on Two-layer Nets: Margin Maximization and Simplicity Bias., , , и . NeurIPS, стр. 12978-12991. (2021)On the SDEs and Scaling Rules for Adaptive Gradient Algorithms., , , и . NeurIPS, (2022)Single-Source Bottleneck Path Algorithm Faster than Sorting for Sparse Graphs., , и . ICALP, том 107 из LIPIcs, стр. 43:1-43:14. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2018)Fine-grained Complexity Meets IP = PSPACE., , , , и . SODA, стр. 1-20. SIAM, (2019)Why (and When) does Local SGD Generalize Better than SGD?, , , и . ICLR,, (2023)Dichotomy of Early and Late Phase Implicit Biases Can Provably Induce Grokking., , , , , и . ICLR,, (2024)A Quadratic Synchronization Rule for Distributed Deep Learning., , , , и . ICLR,, (2024)