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Event-triggered fault detection for discrete-time linear multi-agent systems., , , and . ACC, page 5945-5950. IEEE, (2016)Integrated fault detection, isolation and control design for continuous-time Markovian jump systems with uncertain transition probabilities., , and . CDC, page 5743-5749. IEEE, (2014)Event-triggered fault detection, isolation and control design of linear systems., , and . EBCCSP, page 1-6. IEEE, (2015)Finite Frequency Fault Diagnosis for Heterogeneous Multi-agent LPV Systems., , , and . CCTA, page 1018-1023. IEEE, (2019)An EMG signal processing system for control of an ankle-foot orthosis., , , and . CoDIT, page 444-449. IEEE, (2017)Event-triggered fault detection for discrete-time linear systems., , and . CCA, page 990-995. IEEE, (2015)Sensor fault detection and isolation of an industrial gas turbine using partial block-wise adaptive kernel PGA., , and . CoDIT, page 1054-1059. IEEE, (2017)Distributed fault detection and isolation filter design for heterogeneous multi-agent LPV systems., , and . ACC, page 1610-1615. IEEE, (2017)On design of nonlinear event-triggerec suboptimal tracking controller., , and . CoDIT, page 1048-1053. IEEE, (2017)Simultaneous fault detection and consensus control design for a network of multi-agent systems., , and . Autom., (2016)