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Explicit Assumptions - A Prenup for Marrying Static and Dynamic Program Verification., , , , , и . TAP, том 8570 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 142-157. Springer, (2014)Sufficient Preconditions for Modular Assertion Checking.. VMCAI, том 4905 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 188-202. Springer, (2008)Source Code as the Key Artifact in Requirement-Based Development: The Case of Ada 2012., , и . Ada-Europe, том 7308 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 49-59. Springer, (2012)Tutorial: A Practical Introduction to Formal Development and Verification of High-Assurance Software with SPARK., , и . SecDev, стр. 1-2. IEEE, (2019)Auto-Active Proof of Red-Black Trees in SPARK., и . NFM, том 10227 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 68-83. (2017)Co-Developing Programs and Their Proof of Correctness., , , и . Commun. ACM, 67 (3): 84-94 (марта 2024)Does Rust SPARK Joy? Safe Bindings from Rust to SPARK, Applied to the BBQueue Library., , , и . FTSCS, стр. 37-47. ACM, (2023)Integration von Formaler Verifikation und Test., , и . Automotive - Safety & Security, том P-210 из LNI, стр. 133-148. GI, (2012)Counterexamples from Proof Failures in SPARK., , и . SEFM, том 9763 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 215-233. Springer, (2016)SPARK 2014 and GNATprove - A competition report from builders of an industrial-strength verifying compiler., , , и . Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., 17 (6): 695-707 (2015)