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Initiality, Induction, and Computability, и . Algebraic Methods in Semantics, Cambridge University Press, (1985)A Constructor-Based Reachability Logic for Rewrite Theories., , и . Fundam. Informaticae, 173 (4): 315-382 (2020)Equality, Types, Modules, and (Why not ?) Generics for Logic Programming., и . J. Log. Program., 1 (2): 179-210 (1984)Specification, Transformation, and Programming of Concurrent Systems in Rewriting Logic., , и . Specification of Parallel Algorithms, том 18 из DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, стр. 309-339. DIMACS/AMS, (1994)Analysis of the IBM CCA Security API Protocols in Maude-NPA., , , , и . SSR, том 8893 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 111-130. Springer, (2014)PVeStA: A Parallel Statistical Model Checking and Quantitative Analysis Tool., и . CALCO, том 6859 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 386-392. Springer, (2011)Protocol Dialects as Formal Patterns., , , , и . ESORICS (2), том 14345 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 42-61. Springer, (2023)Inductive Reasoning with Equality Predicates, Contextual Rewriting and Variant-Based Simplification., и . WRLA@ETAPS, том 12328 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-135. Springer, (2020)Model Checking LTLR Formulas under Localized Fairness., и . WRLA, том 7571 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 99-117. Springer, (2012)Order-Sorted Equality Enrichments Modulo Axioms., , и . WRLA, том 7571 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 162-181. Springer, (2012)