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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

The Relationship between User Location History and Interests in Products and Services., , und . MOBILWARE, Volume 48 von Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Seite 301-312. Springer, (2010)User centered research and design at Motorola., und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 221-222. ACM, (2000)Spatial technology and archaeology, und . Taylor & Francis, London u.a., (2002)Perceptions of Value: The Uses of Social Television., , , , und . EuroITV, Volume 4471 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 116-125. Springer, (2007)The next revolution: vehicle user-interfaces and the global rider/driver experience., , , , und . CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 708-709. ACM, (2003)User-Centered Design and Evaluation of a Concurrent Voice Communication and Media Sharing Application.. HCI (3), Volume 4552 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 990-999. Springer, (2007)Inventory-Location Problems for Spare Parts with Time-Based Service Constraints.. University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, (2014) ( the desktop: and into your vehicle.. CHI Extended Abstracts, Seite 43-44. ACM, (2000)Design and evaluation of a children's tablet video application.. TVX, Seite 79-86. ACM, (2014)A comparative evaluation of TV video telephony with webcam and face to face communication., und . EuroITV, Seite 1-8. ACM, (2009)