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Improved multirate sigma-delta architecture., and . ISCAS (1), page 464-467. IEEE, (2001)Time-interleaved multirate sigma-delta modulators., , and . ISCAS (6), page 5581-5584. IEEE, (2005)A Circuit for Learning in Fuzzy Logic-Based Controllers., , and . ISCAS, page 279-286. IEEE, (1995)A Mixed Parallel-Sequential SHNN for Large Networks., , and . IWANN, volume 930 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 789-793. Springer, (1995)AFAN, a Tool for the Automatic Design of Fuzzy and Neural Controllers., , , and . IWANN, volume 1240 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 825-833. Springer, (1997)Pulse-width modulation in sigma-delta modulators., and . ISCAS, page 1081-1084. IEEE, (2010)Towards a fully parallel stochastic Hopfield neural network., and . ISCAS, page 2741-2743. IEEE, (1993)New dual-quantization multibit sigma-delta modulators with digital noise-shaping., and . ISCAS (1), page 1053-1056. IEEE, (2003)A Digital Fuzzy-Logic Controller with a Simple Architecture., , and . ISCAS, page 101-104. IEEE, (1994)A multirate based band-pass sigma-delta modulator., , , and . ISCAS (1), page 1128-1131. IEEE, (2004)