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Wikipedia Link Structure and Text Mining for Semantic Relation Extraction Towards a Huge Scale Global Web Ontology, , и . (2008)Investigation of children's characteristics for web browsing., , , и . WIDM, стр. 91-94. ACM, (2009)Geo-Social Keyword Top-k Data Monitoring over Sliding Window., , и . DEXA (1), том 10438 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 409-424. Springer, (2017)Probabilistic Replication Based on Access Frequencies in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks., , и . DEXA, том 4080 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 791-800. Springer, (2006)Store and Flood: A Packet Routing Protocol for Frequently Changing Topology with Ad-Hoc Networks., , , и . ADVIS, том 1909 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 137-146. Springer, (2000)Quantifying Impact of Mobility on Data Availability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput., 9 (2): 241-258 (2010)Subscription-based data aggregation techniques for top-k monitoring queries., , и . World Wide Web, 20 (2): 237-265 (2017)On Updated Data Dissemination Exploiting an Epidemic Model in Ad Hoc Networks., , и . BioADIT, том 3853 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 306-321. Springer, (2006)Exploring map-based interactions for co-located collaborative work by multiple mobile users., , , , и . GIS, стр. 417-420. ACM, (2011)Keyword search considering user's preference in P2P networks., , , , и . ICUIMC, стр. 432-440. ACM, (2009)