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On Smoothing Potentially Non-Stationary Climate Time Series

. Geophysical Research Letters, (2004)

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On Smoothing Potentially Non-Stationary Climate Time Series. Geophysical Research Letters, (2004)On the variability of ENSO over the past six centuries, , , , and . Geophysical Research Letters, 32 (3): L03711+ (Feb 15, 2005)Global Signatures and Dynamical Origins of the Little Ice Age and Medieval Climate Anomaly, , , , , , , , and . Science, 326 (5957): 1256--1260 (Nov 27, 2009)Oscillatory Spatiotemporal Signal Detection in Climate Studies: A Multiple-Taper Spectral Domain Approach, and . Advances in Geophysics, (2006)Propagandaschlacht ums Klima (Telepolis): Wie wir die Anstifter politischer Untätigkeit besiegen. Heise Medien, Hannover, (2021)Homepage. WWW, (1998)Global-Scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries, , and . Nature, (1998)The new climate war: the fight to take back our planet. Scribe, Melbourne; London, First edition edition, (January 2021)On forced temperature changes, internal variability, and the AMO, , and . Geophys. Res. Lett., 41 (9): 2014GL059233+ (May 16, 2014)Propagandaschlacht ums Klima: wie wir die Anstifter klimapolitischer Untätigkeit besiegen. Verlag Solare Zukunft, Erlangen, 1. Auflage edition, (2021)The new climate war, in der deutschen Übersetzung von Matthias Hüttmann, Tatiana Abarzúa und Herbert Eppel.