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Metamorphic Testing: Applications and Integration with Other Methods: Tutorial Synopsis.

, , , and . QSIC, page 285-288. IEEE, (2012)

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Metamorphic Testing: Applications and Integration with Other Methods: Tutorial Synopsis., , , and . QSIC, page 285-288. IEEE, (2012)An Extended Abstract of "Metamorphic Testing: Testing the Untestable"., , , and . COMPSAC (1), page 209-210. IEEE, (2019)Mitigating Threats to Validity in Empirical Software Engineering: A Traceability Case Study., , and . COMPSAC (2), page 324-329. IEEE, (2019)Preparing Future SQA Professionals: An Experience Report of Metamorphic Exploration of an Autonomous Driving System., , , , and . EDUCON, page 2121-2126. IEEE, (2022)Not a Silver Bullet, but a Silver Lining: Metamorphic Marking Administration., and . EDUCON, page 928-935. IEEE, (2021)A Similarity Metric for the Inputs of OO Programs and Its Application in Adaptive Random Testing., , , , , and . IEEE Trans. Reliab., 66 (2): 373-402 (2017)Normalized Restricted Random Testing., , and . Ada-Europe, volume 2655 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 368-381. Springer, (2003)Enabling Effective Metamorphic- Relation Generation by Novice Testers: A Pilot Study., , and . COMPSAC, page 2393-2398. IEEE, (2024)TransformCode: A Contrastive Learning Framework for Code Embedding via Subtree transformation., , , , and . CoRR, (2023)Using metamorphic relations to verify and enhance Artcode classification., , , , , and . J. Syst. Softw., (2021)