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Expected BLEU Training for Graphs: BBN System Description for WMT11 System Combination Task.

, , , und . WMT@EMNLP, Seite 159-165. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2011)

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A Comparison of Three Programming Models for Telecom Service Composition., , , und . AICT, Seite 1. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)Media distribution over 2D communication sheet., , und . ACM Multimedia, Seite 1539-1542. ACM, (2010)Research of process management on drilling engineering collaborative design system based on workflow., , , , und . FSKD, Seite 2769-2773. IEEE, (2012)A Study of Localized On-Demand Data Collection in Sensor Networks., , und . ICON, Seite 431-436. IEEE, (2007)Optimum Allocation of Energy and Spectrum in Power-Controlled Wireless Networks with QoS Constraints., , und . GLOBECOM, Seite 1-6. IEEE, (2009)Comparison of two water vapor retrieval algorithms for HJ1A hyperspectral imagery., , , und . IGARSS, Seite 1732-1735. IEEE, (2011)Numerical simulation: Toward the design of high-efficiency planar perovskite solar cells, , , , , , , , und . Applied Physics Letters, (2014)A preliminary investigation of CO2 and CH4 concentration variations with the land use in Northern China by GOSAT., , , , und . IGARSS, Seite 1141-1144. IEEE, (2010)Reflectance-based Calibration of Beijing-1 Micro-satellite., , , , und . IGARSS (3), Seite 275-278. IEEE, (2009)Searching for suitable classification methods in the discrimination of cold/heat herbal nature with Weka., , , und . BMEI, Seite 552-557. IEEE, (2013)