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UVAR: An intersection UAV-assisted VANET routing protocol., , , and . WCNC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2016)Group data communication in connected vehicles: A survey., , , , , and . Veh. Commun., (2022)Peer-to-peer overlay techniques for vehicular ad hoc networks: Survey and challenges., , , and . Veh. Commun., (2022)Unthresholded adaptive revocation technique in mobile ad hoc networks., , , and . Q2SWinet, page 75-78. ACM, (2012)Location privacy scheme for VANETs., , , and . MoWNet, page 1-6. IEEE, (2017)Toward a Secure Edge-Enabled and Artificially Intelligent Internet of Flying Things Using Blockchain., , , , , and . IEEE Internet Things Mag., 5 (2): 90-95 (2022)IRTIV: Intelligent Routing Protocol Using Real Time Traffic Information in Urban Vehicular Environment., , , and . NTMS, page 1-4. IEEE, (2014)ETAR: Efficient Traffic Light Aware Routing Protocol for Vehicular Networks., , , and . IWCMC, page 297-301. IEEE, (2015)CRUV: Connectivity-based traffic density aware routing using UAVs for VANets., , , and . ICCVE, page 68-73. IEEE, (2015)An efficient and robust clustered data gathering protocol (CDGP) for vehicular networks., , , and . DIVANet@MSWiM, page 69-74. ACM, (2012)