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Other publications of authors with the same name

An Abductive Proof Procedure for Conditional Logic Programming., , and . FAPR, volume 1085 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 231-245. Springer, (1996)Dynamic context adaptation in multimedia documents., , and . SAC, page 1374-1379. ACM, (2006)A Semantics for Eshghi and Kowalski's Procedure., , and . ICLP, page 586-600. MIT Press, (1993)Fast metadata-driven multiresolution tensor decomposition., , and . CIKM, page 1275-1284. ACM, (2011)Skynets: searching for minimum trees in graphs with incomparable edge weights., , and . CIKM, page 1775-1784. ACM, (2011)AlphaSum: size-constrained table summarization using value lattices., , , and . EDBT, volume 360 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 96-107. ACM, (2009)A Multi-Similarity Algebra., , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 402-413. ACM Press, (1998)A Multimedia Presentation Algebra., , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 121-132. ACM Press, (1999)SIGMOD Record 28(2), June 1999.Integrating and querying taxonomies with quest in the presence of conflicts., , , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 1153-1155. ACM, (2007)FICSR: feedback-based inconsistency resolution and query processing on misaligned data sources., , and . SIGMOD Conference, page 151-162. ACM, (2007)