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Making public transportation schedule information consumable for improved decision making., , and . ITSC, page 1862-1867. IEEE, (2012)The GangaWatch Mobile App to Enable Usage of Water Data in Every Day Decisions Integrating Historical and Real-time Sensing Data., , and . CoRR, (2017)Workflow Complexity for Collaborative Interactions: Where are the Metrics? - A Challenge., , and . CoRR, (2017)International Workshop on Context Enabled Source and Service Selection, Integration and Adaptation: workshop summary., , , , , and . CSSSIA, volume 292 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 1. ACM, (2008)Using MATCON to generate CASE tools that guide deployment of pre-packaged applications., , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). ICSE, page 1016-1018. ACM, (2011)Synthesizing Customized Planners from Specifications., and . J. Artif. Intell. Res., (1998)Estimating Train Delays in a Large Rail Network Using a Zero Shot Markov Model., and . ITSC, page 1221-1226. IEEE, (2018)On Chatbots Exhibiting Goal-Directed Autonomy in Dynamic Environments.. AAAI Spring Symposia, AAAI Press, (2018)Securing social media for seniors from information attacks: Modeling, detecting, intervening, and communicating risks., , , , and . TPS-ISA, page 297-302. IEEE, (2021)Building and Using a Planning Ontology from Past Data for Performance Efficiency., , , and . PLATO@ICAPS, volume 3493 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2023)