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Structure and strength in causal induction, и . (submitted)Learning causal laws, и . Proceedings of the 25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, (2003)The role of causal models in statistical reasoning, и . Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (2003)From mere coincidences to meaningful discoveries, и . Cognition, (2007)Bayesian models of cognition, , и . Cambridge handbook of computational cognitive modeling, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2008)A Global Geometric Framework for Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction. Science, 290 (5500): 2319--2323 (декабря 2000)Special issue on ``Probabilistic models of cognition'', , и . Trends in Cognitive Sciences, (2006)Secret agents: Inferences about hidden causes by 10- and 12-month-old infants, , и . Psychological Science, (2005)Theory-based causal induction, и . Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, (2003)Optimal predictions in everyday cognition, и . Psychological Science, (2006)