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Enhanced ontologies for video annotation and retrieval.

, , and . Multimedia Information Retrieval, page 89-96. ACM, (2005)

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Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Video Segmentation for Semantic Annotation and Transcoding., and . Multimedia Tools Appl., 26 (3): 255-257 (2005)Multi-Perspective Navigation of Movies., , , and . J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 7 (4): 445-466 (1996)Description, Matching and Retrieval by Content of 3D Objects., , and . DELOS, volume 4877 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 288-297. Springer, (2007)Image Retrieval by Color Regions., , , , and . ICIAP (2), volume 1311 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 180-187. Springer, (1997)A Natural Interface for the Training of Medical Personnel in an Immersive and Virtual Reality System., , , and . ICIAP (1), volume 8156 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 763-772. Springer, (2013)Retrieval by Shape Similarity with Perceptual Distance and Effective Indexing., , and . IEEE Trans. Multim., 2 (4): 225-239 (2000)Commercials and Trademarks Recognition, , , , and . TV Content Analysis: Techniques and Applications, TV Content Analysis: Techniques and Applications, chapter 5, CRC Press, (March 2012)Learning Streamed Attention Network from Descriptor Images for Cross-Resolution 3D Face Recognition., , , , and . ACM Trans. Multim. Comput. Commun. Appl., 19 (1s): 30:1-30:20 (February 2023)Particle filter-based visual tracking with a first order dynamic model and uncertainty adaptation., and . Comput. Vis. Image Underst., 115 (6): 771-786 (2011)3D Navigation of Geographic Data Sets., , , , and . IEEE Multim., 5 (2): 29-41 (1998)