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Video Codec Applications Scheduling and Optimization Based on DAG and GGEN Algorithm., , , и . EECS, стр. 236-241. IEEE, (2018)RF parameters measurement of new telemetry process relating to an isolated photovoltaic site., , и . SSD, стр. 729-734. IEEE, (2016)Modeling from an Object and Multi-object Tracking System., , , , и . GSCIT, стр. 80-85. IEEE, (2016)Modeling and Scheduling with DAG used for tasks in ME with OVP., , и . SmartNets, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)MR Brain Image Segmentation Optimized by Using Ant Colony Algorithm., , и . SSD, стр. 1230-1236. IEEE, (2021)Synthesis of total harmonic distortion and interference between stereo spectrum and RDS process., , и . SSD, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2015)Hardware implementation of a new solution to transmit digital video in GSM interfaces., , и . SSD, стр. 1051-1057. IEEE, (2022)Ant Colony Optimization with BrainSeg3D Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Detection., , и . ICOST, том 13287 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 234-245. Springer, (2022)Optimization and Implementation on Fpga of the DCT/IDCT Algorithm., , , , , и . ICASSP (3), стр. 928-931. IEEE, (2006)An Efficient HW/SW Implementation of the H.263 Video Coder in FPGA., , , , , и . ICECS, стр. 814-817. IEEE, (2006)