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Block-encoding dense and full-rank kernels using hierarchical matrices: applications in quantum numerical linear algebra., , and . Quantum, (September 2022)Unsupervised Clustering to Reduce Overfitting Issues in Ensemble Deep Learning Models for Skin Lesion Classifications., , , , and . RoViSP, volume 1123 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 415-420. Springer, (2023)Influence of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Diseases Prevalence in Developing Countries: An Eco-Social Model., , , , and . DeSE, page 50-55. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)UniqueQMA vs QMA: oracle separation and eigenstate thermalization hypothesis., , , and . CoRR, (2024)Cardiologists' Awareness of the Impact of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Disease in Vietnam and the Philippines - Multiple Logistic Regression Modelling., , , , and . DeSE, page 81-85. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Educational Mobile Apps for Negotiation: Evaluation and Design Criteria for Curriculum Designers and Developers., , , , and . CCECE, page 1-4. IEEE, (2019)Data quality issues in the GIS modelling of air pollution and cardiovascular mortality in Bangalore., , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). Int. J. Inf. Qual., 4 (1): 64-81 (2015)Circuit-to-Hamiltonian from Tensor Networks and Fault Tolerance., , and . STOC, page 585-595. ACM, (2024)Sampling Methods to Balance Classes in Dermoscopic Skin Lesion Images., , , , and . RoViSP, volume 1123 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, page 407-413. Springer, (2023)Cardiologists' Awareness of the Effects of Air Pollution on Cardiovascular Disease in Vietnam and the Philippines - Descriptive Evaluation., , , , and . DeSE, page 7-12. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)