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A comparative analysis of open source business intelligence platforms., , and . ISDOC, page 86-92. ACM, (2014)Bridging book: a not-so-electronic children picturebook., , , and . CHI Extended Abstracts, page 2801-2802. ACM, (2013)Merry go round: a physical, virtual, physical... toy., , , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment, page 59:1-59:4. ACM, (2014)Systems biology of the modified branched Entner-Doudoroff pathway in Sulfolobus solfataricus, , , , , , , , and . PLOS ONE, 12 (7): 1-25 (July 2017)Bridging book: a not-so-electronic children's picturebook., , , , and . IDC, page 569-572. ACM, (2013)Merging Physical and Digital White Canvas to Unleash Children's Creativity., , , , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment (Workshops), page 13:1-13:9. ACM, (2014)Bridging books: the printed book as a support for digital experiences., , , , , , , and . IDC, page 606-609. ACM, (2013)Eye Importance in Facial Expression Recognition., , and . SeGAH, page 1-8. IEEE, (2024)The Role of Organizational Culture in the Transformation to Industry 4.0., , , and . APMS (1), volume 689 of IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, page 487-500. Springer, (2023)Hospitalizations and deaths related to adverse drug events worldwide: Systematic review of studies with national coverage, , , and . European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 78 (3): 435--466 (Mar 1, 2022)