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Other publications of authors with the same name

Advanced Authoring of Paper-Digital Systems: Introducing Templates and Variable Content Elements for Interactive Paper Publishing, , , and . Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, (August 2012)Data Management for Object-Oriented Systems., and . BNCOD, page 69-92. Butterworth-Heinemann, (1991)Spatial Querying of Geographical Data with Pen-Input Scopes., , and . ITS, page 89-98. ACM, (2014)ScreenPress: a powerful and flexible platform for networked pervasive display systems., and . PerDis, page 13:1-13:8. ACM, (2017)Usage analysis of cross-device web applications., , and . PerDis, page 212-219. ACM, (2016)Exploiting mid-air gestures to share data among devices., , , , and . MobileHCI, page 35:1-35:11. ACM, (2017)Integrating Component-Based Web Engineering into Content Management Systems., , , and . ICWE, volume 7977 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 37-51. Springer, (2013)Flexible Collaboration over XML Documents., and . CDVE, volume 4101 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 267-274. Springer, (2006)MultiMasher: Providing Architectural Support and Visual Tools for Multi-device Mashups., , , and . WISE (2), volume 8787 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 199-214. Springer, (2014)CoDoc: Multi-mode Collaboration over Documents., and . CAiSE, volume 3084 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 580-594. Springer, (2004)