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Reconstructing Diffusion Model for Virality Detection in News Spread Networks., , и . IJKSS, 10 (1): 21-37 (2019)Dynamic Query Substitution in Fast Evolving Fashion., , , и . eCOM@SIGIR, том 2319 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2018)BEAN: a lightweight stream cipher., , , и . SIN, стр. 168-171. ACM, (2009)SBLS: Speed Based Lane Changing System in VANETs., , , , и . ICM, стр. 114-117. IEEE, (2015)TWIS - A Lightweight Block Cipher., , , и . ICISS, том 5905 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 280-291. Springer, (2009)CVMS: Cloud based vehicle monitoring system in VANETs., , и . ICCVE, стр. 106-111. IEEE, (2015)Can JSP Code be Generated Using XML Tags?, , и . CoRR, (2015)