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Bubble Tree Drawing Algorithm., , , and . ICCVG, volume 32 of Computational Imaging and Vision, page 633-641. Springer, (2004)Latour - A Tree Visualisation System., , , and . GD, volume 1731 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 392-399. Springer, (1999)Tool for metabolic and regulatory pathways visual analysis., and . Visualization and Data Analysis, volume 5009 of SPIE Proceedings, page 46-55. SPIE, (2003)Lyndon Factorization of Infinite Words.. STACS, volume 1046 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 147-154. Springer, (1996)A Quality Measure for Multi-Level Community Structure., , and . SYNASC, page 63-68. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Properties of the Extremal Infinite Smooth Words., , and . Discret. Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., (2007)La gouvernance des données en contexte universitaire : proposition d'un modèle de maturité., , and . INFORSID, page 21-36. (2024)An Object-Oriented Design for Graph Visualization, , and . Software: Practice and Experience, 31 (8): 739--756 (2001)'Them again?" Dynamic Communities in the Media., , and . EuroVis (Posters), page 77-79. Eurographics Association, (2017)Visually Mining the Datacube using a Pixel-Oriented Technique., , and . IV, page 3-10. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)