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An Application of ISI Reconstruction to Sensory Neurons of Crickets., , , und . ICONIP, Seite 1559-1562. IOA Press, (1998)Does a Spiking Neuron Operate Like a Radial Basis Function?, und . ICONIP, Seite 1277-1280. IOA Press, (1998)Effects on an Active Feature on Neurodynamics and Chaotic Phenomena by Active Axon., , , , und . ICONIP, Seite 1273-1276. IOA Press, (1998)A network model with pyramidal cells and GABAergic non-FS cells in the cerebral cortex., und . Neurocomputing, (2005)An optimal number of molecules for signal amplification and discrimination in a chemical cascade, , und . (Juni 2006)A search algorithm of bifurcation point in an impact oscillator with periodic threshold., , , und . APCCAS, Seite 200-203. IEEE, (2012)Cooperative dynamics coordinated by stochastic noise in a multi-cell system., , , und . ISCAS (5), Seite 4791-4794. IEEE, (2005)Bifurcations in modified BVP neurons connected by inhibitory and electrical coupling., , , und . ISCAS (6), Seite 6058-6061. IEEE, (2005)Frequency synchronisation using SS technique., , und . ISWCS, Seite 855-859. IEEE, (2012)Combinatorial Optimization by Amoeba-Based Neurocomputer with Chaotic Dynamics., , , und . IWNC, Volume 1 von Proceedings in Information and Communications Technology, Seite 1-15. Springer, (2007)