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Demo: Investigating Concurrent Transmission using Software Defined Radios., , и . EWSN, стр. 207-208. Junction Publishing, Canada/ ACM, (2018)Real time capable UWB wireless network sniffer: poster., , , и . MobiHoc, стр. 389-390. ACM, (2016)A Communication Architecture for Cooperative Networked Cyber-Physical Systems., , и . CCNC, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Poster: NLOS-aware Localization Based on Phase Shift Measurements., , и . MobiCom, стр. 224-226. ACM, (2015)Adaptive Real-Time Scheduling for Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems., , и . ICPS, стр. 79-86. IEEE, (2020)No-cost distance estimation using standard WSN radios., , , , и . INFOCOM, стр. 1-9. IEEE, (2016)μDTNSec: a security layer for disruption-tolerant networks on microcontrollers., , , и . Med-Hoc-Net, стр. 1-7. IEEE, (2017)A sub-microsecond clock synchronization protocol for wireless industrial monitoring and control networks., , , и . ICIT, стр. 1266-1270. IEEE, (2017)Resource Allocation in Mobile Wireless Real Time Networks (Ressourcenallokation in mobilen drahtlosen Echtzeit-Netzwerken). Braunschweig University of Technology, Germany, (2020) (ftunivbraunschw:oai: - Introducing Flexibility to Wireless Industrial Real-Time Applications., , и . NEAT@SIGCOMM, стр. 39-44. ACM, (2018)