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Containment for Conditional Tree Patterns., , , и . Logical Methods in Computer Science, (2015)The Power of the Weak., , , и . ACM Trans. Comput. Log., 21 (2): 15:1-15:47 (2020)Definable Operations On Weakly Recognizable Sets of Trees., , и . FSTTCS, том 13 из LIPIcs, стр. 363-374. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2011)Machine Learning and Theory Ladenness - A Phenomenological Account., , и . CoRR, (2024)Building Causal Interaction Models by Recursive Unfolding., , и . PGM, том 138 из Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, стр. 509-520. PMLR, (2020)Dalal's Revision in Sentential Decision Diagrams., , и . ISAIM, (2022)Characterizing EF over Infinite Trees and Modal Logic on Transitive Graphs., и . MFCS, том 6907 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 290-302. Springer, (2011)Addressing Social Misattributions of Large Language Models: An HCXAI-based Approach., , и . CoRR, (2024)Describing the Wadge Hierarchy for the Alternation Free Fragment of µ-Calculus (I)., und . CiE, Volume 5028 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 186-195. Springer, (2008)Index problems for game automata., , und . CoRR, (2015)