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Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Nonlinear Programming Obtained by Way of Epi-Derivatives.

. Math. Oper. Res., 14 (3): 462-484 (1989)

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Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Nonlinear Programming Obtained by Way of Epi-Derivatives.. Math. Oper. Res., 14 (3): 462-484 (1989)Equilibrium with investors using a diversity of deviation measures, , and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 31 (11): 3251--3268 (November 2007)Preface to Asen L. Dontchev Memorial Special Issue., , and . Comput. Optim. Appl., 86 (3): 795-800 (December 2023)Asymptotic Theory for Solutions in Statistical Estimation and Stochastic Programming., and . Math. Oper. Res., 18 (1): 148-162 (1993)Envelope representations in Hamilton-Jacobi theory for fully convex problems of control., and . CDC, page 2768-2771. IEEE, (2001)Convexity in Hamilton-Jacobi Theory I: Dynamics and Duality., and . SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 39 (5): 1323-1350 (2000)Master funds in portfolio analysis with general deviation measures, , and . Journal of Banking & Finance, 30 (2): 743--778 (February 2006)Proximal Subgradients, Marginal Values, and Augmented Lagrangians in Nonconvex Optimization.. Math. Oper. Res., 6 (3): 424-436 (1981)Primal-Dual Stability in Local Optimality., and . J. Optim. Theory Appl., 203 (2): 1325-1354 (November 2024)Penalty Methods and Augmented Lagrangians in Nonlinear Programming.. Optimization Techniques, volume 3 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 418-425. Springer, (1973)