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Investigation of the driver's seat that displays future vehicle motion., , , , , , и . RO-MAN, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2019)Evaluation of Robots that Signals a Pedestrian Using Face Orientation Based on Moving Trajectory Analysis., , , и . RO-MAN, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Effect of human-machine cooperation on driving comfort in highly automated steering maneuvers., , , , , и . AutomotiveUI (adjunct), стр. 151-155. ACM, (2019)Clarification of the people the robot is talking to using projection., , и . SICE, стр. 755-760. IEEE, (2022)Pedestrian Identification by Associating Walking Rhythms from Wearable Acceleration Sensors and Biped Tracking Results., , , и . PECCS, стр. 21-28. SciTePress, (2012)LoopBot: Representing Continuous Haptics of Grounded Objects in Room-scale VR., , , , и . UIST, стр. 135:1-135:10. ACM, (2024)A Spatial Motion Control to Transfer an Object between a Pair of Air Jet., , , , , , и . ICINCO (2), стр. 141-145. SciTePress, (2018)Guidance of a person by scaling the image projected from a mobile robot., , , , и . SICE, стр. 1479-1484. IEEE, (2020)Recommendation from robots in a real-world retail shop., , , , , и . ICMI-MLMI, стр. 19:1-19:8. ACM, (2010)Future route presentation to autonomous mobile wheelchair passengers using the movement of vibrotactile stimuli., , , и . SICE, стр. 749-754. IEEE, (2022)