Author of the publication

IT Slang Analysis System.

, , , and . MoMLeT+DS, volume 3426 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 561-571., (2023)

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Statistical profile of the candidate for a post in the field of information technology., and . CSIT (2), page 9-12. IEEE, (2021)IT Slang Analysis System., , , and . MoMLeT+DS, volume 3426 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 561-571., (2023)An intelligent system for speech analysis and control using customized criteria., , and . MoDaST, volume 3723 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 412-426., (2024)Synonymous variation of 'War' in the British national corpus using sketch engine: a linguistic analysis., and . MoDaST, volume 3723 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 311-327., (2024)Cross-cultural examination of the WAR concept: a statistical comparative analysis in English, Ukrainian, and Dutch., and . COLINS (4), volume 3722 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 557-583., (2024)Reengineering Support and Decision-Making System Based on Twitter Analysis., , , and . COLINS (2), volume 3396 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 173-183., (2023)IT Slang: Development of Telegram Chatbot., , , and . COLINS (2), volume 3396 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 152-162., (2023)Anthropocentrism as Implementation of a Testator/Testatrix's Communicative Goal.. COLINS, volume 2870 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 845-854., (2021)Public Health as a Social Phenomenon from a Biblical Perspective: Automated Identification., and . COLINS, volume 3171 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 427-436., (2022)English - Ukrainian Aviation Terminology: compiling bilingual digital dictionary., , and . CSIT (2), page 5-8. IEEE, (2021)