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Kinetic roughening on rough substrates, und . Phys.~Rev.~E, 56 (4): 4880--4883 (Oktober 1997)Analysis of the velocity field of granular hopper flow, , , und . GRANULAR MATTER, (2016)Growth model with restricted surface relaxation, und . Phys.~Rev.~E, (2002)Cellular Automaton Models of Tumour Development: A critical Review, und . Adv.~Complex~Syst., (2002)Lattice model for approximate self-affine soil profiles, , , und . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 295 (1-2): 64--70 (01.06.2001)One-dimensional cellular automata characterization by the roughness exponent, , und . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 245 (3-4): 461--471 (01.11.1997)Roughness exponents to calculate multi-affine fractal exponents, und . Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 235 (3-4): 327--333 (01.02.1997)